среда, 5 мая 2021 г.


 Тема         Вивчення іноземної мови в житті людини

1.Answer  the questions (усно)

1) What is your mother tongue?

2) Is English your mother tongue or a foreign language?

3) Is English an international language?

4) Why is it good to know English?

5)Why is English important in Ukraine?

6)Why is English a global language nowadays?

7)Why is English a language of communication nowadays?

8)Why do people in Ukraine learn English?

9)Are you a good language learner?

10)What is the best way to learn English?

11)Will you need English in future?

2. Read and translate the dialogues. 


- How long have you been learning English?
- I’ve been learning it for seven years.
- What do you like most of all while learning English?
- I like reading books, magazines and watching videos.
- What about educational TV programmes?
- They are interesting and helpful.
- How do you cope with phrasal verbs?
- I try to memorize them. But it isn’t easy.


- What do you think about learning grammar?
- It is necessary foundations. You must learn and practise grammar in any language.
- What is the most difficult thing for you in learning English?
- I think listening. I sometimes can’t get the idea of what I hear. And I have to listen to tape again and again. 
- Learning a language is long hard and sometimes dull work. But … There are a lot of rewards for that work. I mean your ability to read, to communicate, to understand songs, to write, to travel abroad…

III. Домашнє завдання 

Напишіть твір (10-12 речень) Why do I learn English    (Чому я вивчаю англійську) використайте матеріал попередніх уроків

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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG