понедельник, 30 мая 2022 г.

9-В 01.06.2022 Асинхронний урок

  Тема " The child employment in the UK."

Hello everyone!
Today we are going to speak about the child employment in the UK.

Fill in with the words “profession”, “job”, “occupation” or “career”.

a)         How long had Linda been unemployed? – She’s been looking for a_____ for two months.

b)         Please write you______ on this form and hand it in.

c)         His_______ as a boxer came to an end after that fight.

d)         My mother is a doctor. I like this _______ and I may follow her in her footsteps.

e)   A special booklet provides some tips for finding-the right____________It gives information about nearly 250________________

 f) A lot of teenagers have a part-time________________


       As you are teenagers it will not be  an easy task to look for some jobs e.g. during your summer holidays….let’s read the text „Jobs for teenagers in the UK” and do some reading exercises after it….


Reading Activity.

Jobs for teenagers

About half of 16 and 17 year olds in the United Kingdom have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school and  at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting(very popular with girls) and paper rounds(popular with boys). Cleaning and working with a shop are also popular jobs.

In the UK school students are not allowed to work more than two hours  on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later). They must have at least two weeks’ holiday from school each year when they don’t work at all.

Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much. In the UK there is a minimum wage  for adults: 5-6 pounds an hour. For 16 and 17 year olds, it is 3.5 pounds an hour. For children under 16 there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for 2-3 pounds an hour.

After-Reading Activity.

Exercise 1.   Answer the questions.

1.   How many young people aged 16 and 17 have jobs in the UK?

2.   What is the most common jobs for teenage girls?

3.   What is the most common jobs for teenage boys?

4.   How many hours in total can young people work during a school week?

5.   Why do teenagers do part-time jobs?

6.   What is the minimum wage for a 16 year old…for a 15 year old?


Exercise 2. Match the words in bolds with their definitions.

1.   looking after children while parents are out

2.   get money for working

3.   jobs that you do for a few hours a day

4.   the smallest amount of money you can get for working

5.   cannot

6.   delivering  newspapers to people’s home

Домашнє завдання 


What happens when three young girls meet the women doing their dream jobs?

In this video, we see the importance of positive female role models.

Task 1 Choose the correct phrase to complete the sentence.

 1. One girl wants to be an author so that she can …

 a. become famous.    b. work with her creative thoughts.

2. The girl who wants to be a biologist says that she …

a. admires Charles Darwin. b. reads a lot about Charles Darwin.

3. The girl who wants to be a helicopter doctor says that, in general, women want to …

 a. be doctors. b. be nurses.

 4. One girl says that young girls like …

 a. fantasy more than reality. b. reality more than fantasy.

5. In the helicopter, the girl sits …

a. in the doctor's seat. b. in the patient's seat.

6. At the aquarium pool, the biologist says that she takes care of …

 a. all the animals in the pool. b. the most dangerous animals in the pool.

7. The girl who wants to be a biologist says that she has read about …

 a. a few female biologists. b. only male biologists.

 8. At the end of the video, one girl says that she wants to grow up and become …

a. a famous and powerful woman. b. a good role model for young girls.

5-В 01.06.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема "School life"

Hello everyone!

Продовжуємо тему , подивіться відео урок  і виконайте наступні вправи з підручника.

1) Впр2 с 190 опрацюйте слова в рамочках і складіть  усно речення 

I am good at...

I am quite good at...

I am very good at... 

I like ...

I can ...  

2) Прочитайте діалог впр3 с 190-191 дієслова в дужках вживаємо в Теперішньому простому часі 

3) Впр5 с 191 Складіть і запишіть речення  про те, що діти робили на уроках вчора,  використовуйте вирази. що під малюнками, речення мають бути в минулому часі.


Тема "School life"

Hello everyone!

Продовжуємо тему , подивіться відео урок  і виконайте наступні вправи з підручника.

1) Впр2 с 190 опрацюйте слова в рамочках і складіть  усно речення 

I am good at...

I am quite good at...

I am very good at... 

I like ...

I can ...  

2) Прочитайте діалог впр3 с 190-191 дієслова в дужках вживаємо в Теперішньому простому часі 

3) Впр5 с 191 Складіть і запишіть речення  про те, що діти робили на уроках вчора,  використовуйте вирази. що під малюнками, речення мають бути в минулому часі.


5Д 02.06.2022 Асинхронний урок




5-Д 31.05.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема уроку: " Шкільне життя "

Сьогодні проведемо віртуальну екскурсію до британської школи. Уважно перегляньте відео і дайте письмові відповіді на  такі запитання:

- When do British children start primary and secondary school?
- When do the lessons start?
- Do the pupils wear a school uniform?
- What lessons do they have today?
- What subjects do they study?
- What languages do they study?
- Where do the pupils have lunch?
- When do the lessons finish?
- What do the pupils do after school?

9-В 31.05.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема " The child employment in the UK."

Hello everyone!

Today you are going to read the information about the child employment in the UK. Ex.5 p. 177-178  fill in the gaps (1-8) with the sentences (A-H) to complete the text.

Для повного розуміння змісту тексту зробимо розподіл фактів, яких не вистачає (A - H):
1. C (Вони можуть виконувати тимчасову роботу).
2. D (Наймолодший вік, коли діти можуть працювати неповний робочий день, - 13 років).
3. A (Вони повинні мати ліцензію (дозвіл) для виконання роботи).
4. E ( ... освіта дитини не постраждає, якщо буде надана така ліцензія).
5. B ( ... без перерви щонайменше на одну годину).
6. G ( ... щороку під час шкільних канікул).
7. H ( ... і 8 годин для підлітків віком 15 - 16 років).
8. F ( ... можуть працювати максимально 35 годин на тиждень).

Read and translate the text. 

Ex.6 p.178 read and say if the statements are true or false. ( письмово 1-\+)

Домашнє завдання 

Complete the following sentences according to the text "The Child Employment in the UK": ( Письмово)

1. If children in Great Britain want to earn some extra pocket money, they should know ... .
2. Children in the UK can start working at the age of ... .
3. If the children are involved in television, theatre, modelling or similar activities, they can start ... .
4. To start working career a child needs to have ... .
5. The offering document should be issued by ...  .
6. The offering document usually ensures that ... 
7. The child's employment should be also agreed with/ checked by ... .
8. The child can / may work only from ... to ... .... .
9. Children under 16 may work only ... a day and have a break of at least ... .
10. Children may work a maximum ... a week during the school year.
11. Children under 16 may work a maximum ... during school holidays.
12. If the children are 16, they may work ... per week.

6-Г 31.05.2022 Асинхронний урок

  Тема уроку: " Шкільне життя "

Ми з вами обговорили школи і навчання в Україні, шкільні предмети, які вивчають українські школярі і діяльність учнів на уроках.
Сьогодні проведемо віртуальну екскурсію до британської школи. Уважно перегляньте відео і будьте готові обговорити такі запитання:

- When do British children start primary and secondary school?
- When do the lessons start?
- Do the pupils wear a school uniform?
- What lessons do they have today?
- What subjects do they study?
- What languages do they study?
- Where do the pupils have lunch?
- When do the lessons finish?
- What do the pupils do after school?

3-А 01.06.2022 3-В 02.06.2022 Асинхронний урок

Тема " Повторення " 

Good morning dear children? How are you today?- I hope you are great.

Діти пропоную вам сьогодні перевірити свої навички в аудіюванні, нагадаю , аудіювання- це коли ви слухаєте аудіо текст , потім виконуєте завдання до тексту. 

1)Listen and tick the food that mum puts in the salad. Послухайте і позначте продукти, які мама кладе в салат.

2) Послухайте і позначте правильний малюнок, який буде відповіддю на запитання. Таких питань буде 7.

8-В 01.06.2022 8-А 02.06.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема "Summer holidays"

 Good morning dear pupils!

Hope you are in a good mood.

Today we are going to talk about Summer Holidays. Some teenagers like to spend holidays in different camps. They make new friends, do different activities, have fun, do sports and sometimes even learn foreign languages there. They also like to go camping.

Watch a video about Camping on the beach at Lake Powell


Read the text about LAKE POWELL HOLIDAY CAMP and do the tasks to the text

Лексика тексту:

Lake Powell – Озеро Пауелл

Diner – (в даному тексті) – їдальня

Be ready — бути готовим

Quietly – тихо, спокійно

Choose anything – вибирайте будь-який варіант


Start the day with a big American breakfast at the Lake Powell Diner at eight o’clock.

Come to the lake at nine. The weather is good. It’s warm and sunny. It’s a great day to go surfing or fishing on the lake. Our instructors are ready to help you. If the weather is not very good, you can go swimming in the swimming pool. Our instructors are there, too.

Are you hungry at one o’clock? The Diner has hot-dogs, pizzas, salads, ice-creams, fruit — all your favorite food for lunch, and as much as you can eat!

It’s video time after lunch. Or would you like to play computer games in the computer room? And our instructors can help you write your own programmes on one of the twenty ‘Apple’ computers there. Or do you want to read your book quietly in the garden? You can do that, too.

What else? You can ride a horse, ride or a bike, or rollerskate, or climb the mountains near the lake! Again, the instructors are ready. Let’s go! Or do you want to do some cooking in the ‘Cookhouse’? You can make your own cakes there!

In the evening there’s a barbecue at the lake or dinner in the Diner. There’s singing round the fire and dancing at the Lake Powell disco. Or would you like to play a quiet game of chess? Choose anything …

Are you ready to have a good time with us? Write now! We are at:

Lake Powell Holiday Camp Inc.

P. O. Box 1494-BR,

Snake River, Colorado 85385, USA


Завдання до тексту:

Exercise 1. Put the sentences in the correct order.- Розташуйте речення у правильному порядку

А. You can рlау a quiet game of chess.

B. You can watch a video, play computer games, write a computer programme or read a book after lunch.

C. You can ride a horse, ride a bike, roller-skate, and climb the mountains in the afternoon.

D.You can make your own cakes.

E.You can have a big American breakfast.

F.You can sing round the campfire dance or at the disco in the evening.

G.You can have in the lunch Diner.

H.You can go surfing, fishing or swimming in the morning.

I.You can eat a barbecue or have dinner in the Diner.

 Exercise 2. True or false? Correct the false statements.- Правда чи неправда? Виправте неправильні твердження

1.      1. The day starts with a big breakfast at nine o’clock.

2.      2. If the weather is not good, you can swim in the swimming pool.

3.       3. You can eat only healthy food at the camp – no pizza or hot-dogs.

4.       4. You can climb the mountains while in the camp.

5.       5. In the evening there is a barbecue in the Diner.

8-А 8-В 31.05.2022 Асинхронний урок

                                                                   Hello everyone!!! 

Have you ever watched a cartoon Minions?
Let's read a short story about these yellow friends. 

Insert missing words      Прочитайте розповідь , вставте необхідні за змістом слова

Minions  (1)__ small, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time. They roll a Tyrannosaurus into a (2)____, crush Pharaoh (3)____ a pyramidMinions start a new (4)___ in a massive caveAfter many years, they become depressed without a master to serve. Kevin decides to find a (5)___ master and asks for help. Stuart and (6)___ want to help him. The trio journey to New York, when the year is 1968. They meet Scarlet Overkill, who unexpectedly hires them and takes them to her home in (7)_____. They phone the rest of the Minions to get them to join. Scarlet explains the plan to steal the Imperial State Crown from the Queen of EnglandBob accidentally crashes into the Sword in the Stone and pulles it free, removes the Queen from the (8)____ and becomes (9)____ Bob.Scarlet and Herb attempt to escape with her rocket-dress, but (10)____ holds itQueen Elizabeth II gets her throne and (11)____ back and rewards Bob with a tiny crown for his teddy bear, Stuart with an electric (12)_____ and Kevin with a knighthood.


Use words: Використовуйте ці слова


A) life            B) Bob         C) volcano             D)are                       

E) throne       F) King        G) under               H) Kevin       

I) crown        J) guitar       K) new                 L) England


True or False Визначте правда чи ні

1.       Minions are small, green creatures who have existed since the beginning of time. (_______)

2.       After many years, the Minions become depressed, restless, and unmotivated without a master to serve. (_______)

3.       Stuart likes music. (_______)

4.       Bob has two eyes. (_______)

5.       The trio journey to New York, when the year is 1968. (_____)

6.       Scarlet Overkill is the queen of England. (______)

Answer the questions    Усно дайте відповіді на запитання

7.       Who is Kevin?


8.       Why do you like Bob?


9.       What is the most interesting moment in the story?




Послухайте пісеньку і поспівайте разом з Міньонами

Listen to the song and insert missing words


Imagine me and ____, I do
I think about you day and night, it's 
____ right
To think about the 
____ you love and hold her tight
______ together


If I should call you ___, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease 
___ mind
Imagine how the world could be, so 
_____ fine
___ happy together


I can't see me lovin' nobody ____ you
For all my 
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be 
For all 
____ life


Me and you ____ you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to 
The only 
____ for me is you, and you for me
So happy 


Дистанційне навчання 10 клас 25 квітня

  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG