четверг, 29 апреля 2021 г.

7-A 7-B Завдання на 29-30 квітня

Тема уроку   Learning English 

   посилання на урок  https://meet.google.com/vtc-nqke-fae

Match each proverb to its translation.

1. Live and learn

a) Щодо мене, то я знаю тільки те, що я нічого не знаю

2. Train hard fight easy

b) Ученому – світ, а невченому - тьма

3. Learning is the eye of the mind

c) Вік  живи – вік навчайся

4. As for me, all I know is that I know nothing

d) Важко у навчанні, легко у бою

Why do you study English?

I  study English because I want to …..  be better educated

                                                                  travel abroad

                                                             get a lot of money

                                                          be famous

                                                      be able to talk to English-speaking people

Для тих ,хто не був на онлайн уроці , виконуємо всі завдання 

                                              Читаємо і перекладаємо текст

Foreign languages in our life. Read and translate the text

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. (зусиль)

Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, other travel abroad, for the third studying language is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook (Кругозір) wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well educated people are polyglots. Nowadays English  has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations (відносини) . Over 300 million people speak it as mother tongue. The native speakers(носії мови) of English live Australia and New Zealand.

English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organizations and other political organizations. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computers technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

English language it is a wonderful language. It is language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.

The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language does know his own one”. That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.

                        Виконуємо тестово завдання на +\- письмово

                            Виконуємо тестово завдання птсьмово

Choose the correct item.

1. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign ___________.

a) countries                                         b) languages                                 c) people


 2. Everyone, who knows _________ can speak to people from other countries.

a) foreign languages                           b) foreign poets                  c) foreign literature


3. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well educated people are _______.

a) genius                                             b) clever                             c) polyglots


4. Nowadays English  has become ________ in politics, science, trade and cultural relations.

a) the world’s most important language                                  b) more important language                             c) is not important language


5. Over 300 million people speak it as mother ______.

a) language                                           b) tongue                             c)  speaker


 6. English is one of the official languages of the ______ and other political organizations.

a) United Nations Organizations                           b) Paris                  c) Ukraine


7. It is the language of _______.

a) books                                  b) movies                            c) computers technology


8. English language it is a _______ language.

a) great                            b) wonderful                               c) nice


9.It is language of the great________.

a) Literature                             b) Math                               c) Art


10. The great ________ poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language does know his own one”.

a) British                             b) French                             c) German

                                      Домашнє завдання 

Подивіться відео і напишіть 10 причин  чому потрібно вивчати англійську мову 

Посилання на відео https://youtu.be/b_nFfpA8H6g


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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG