четверг, 2 ноября 2023 г.

Дистанційний урок для учня 11-Б класу Штена Дмітрія 2 листопада

 Самостійна робота 

Самостійна робота до тексту на с 73-75 

Teen Terror p.73-75   11-th form

1. Read and say TRUE \FALSE

1. A father George Trimble has got three children.

2. Susie is sixteen.

3. Helen is his wife.

4. His elder daughter suffers from bulimia.

5. George had some rows with Helen.

6. George is against the Susie′s boyfriend because he is American.

7. A father grabbed Susie′s wrist because she wanted to go out.

8. Susie complained about her father to the police.

9. George was released after a few hours.

10. George respected his parents and never spoke back to them.

11. George started to work at the age of sixteen.

12. George has not got a wife.


2. Answer the questions

1. What was George Trimble jailed for?

2. What did the father think Susie was taking?

3. Why do you think George acted the way he did?


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