понедельник, 16 октября 2023 г.

Дистанційний урок для учня 11-Б класу Штена Дмітрія 17 -20 жовтня

 Тема Навчання за кордоном   17 жовтня 

Подивіться відео і виконайте завдання для перевірки.(письмово і відправити на перевірку)  

 Let’s listen to the opinion of Madeleine Monaghan who is the director of English Language Institute at Sacred Heart University about the importance of such experience

1)  And answer one question: what country did she study in? 

2) Tick the  reasons why you should study in a foreign country:  ( можна писати лише номери речень, які ви обрали) 

1.     1) It is the optional way to learn a language. 

2.     2) It provides the opportunity to travel.

3.     3) You can get to know another culture first-hand.

4.     4)  It will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide.

5.     5) You can make friends around the world.

6.     6) It helps you to learn about yourself.

7.     7) It expands your worldview.

8.     8)  Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine.

9.     9) Study abroad enhances employment opportunities.

1010) Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree.

1111) Study abroad will make you take a challenge.

1212) You must be brave to live in a different culture.


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Написати невелике повідомлення "Навчання за кордоном , чи навчання в Україні" ( 10-12 речень) 

18 жовтня 
Прочитай і підбери заголовки до кожного параграфа, один заголовок зайвий.( Напиши 1- буква ) 

Read the text and find the best headins   that summarise  each paragraph. There is one extra choice.

1)  Knowledge itself is a power. Thirst of knowledge took many famous historians to different parts of this world. Mahatma Gandhi went to South Africa to study law and returned as a great scholar with a conviction of helping people of his country to get justice. Likеwise, many students prefer studying abroad because of various reasons. I think students are inclined towards pursuing their studies outside their home countries due to various reasons such as for higher standards of education, better campus facilities, to enlighten their resume and for better employment opportunities.

2)  In some developing countries, where the standard of imparting education is not very high, students prefer foreign universities to do further studies. For instance, if the student discovers that his field of interest such as aeronautical engineering, biotechnical or nanotechnological engineering, do not have good colleges in his home country or are less and it is difficult to get through any of them, he thinks of going abroad and take admission there to quench his desire to do a higher level of study.

3)  Some universities have excellent infrastructure, good research facilities and attractive scholarships for students. These factors attract a student who wants to achieve success in his career path but the universities in his home country are deficient of the above requirements. Some foreign universities offer attractive scholarships to students studying at an undergraduate or graduate level, which can also be the reason behind student’s motivation since it makes him independent while studying.

4)  Degree from a good foreign university always adds up to one’s resume. A person after achieving a degree/diploma certificate from abroad improves his credentials and opportunities of employment. Response to such students in developing countries is overwhelming as far as job matters are concerned.

5)  Many students, after completing their education from universities abroad, seek employment legally in these countries especially, if the economy of the foreign country is better than his home country. These countries offer them better salary packages and benefits, which they may not expect in their own country. So, some students have a notion that studying abroad opens their doors to the employment in the outer world.

Заголовки :

Students choose studying abroad because they want  to:

  1.  Find some unique studying  programmes.
  2. Continue their carrier abroad.
  3. Live separately from their parents.
  4. Have higher standards of teaching.
  5. Provide themselves qualitative educational certificate.
  6. Find good facilities and some financial independence.
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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG