четверг, 23 февраля 2023 г.

6-Д 6- В дистанційний (асинхронний) урок 24 лютого

 Тема  "Парки Лондона"

Спочатку подивіться відео і пригадайте визначні місця Лондона.


                                      Тепер перевіримо ,що ви запам'ятали про Лондон 

                       Серед визначних та відомих місць Лондона виділяють і парки . Прочитайте про парки у Лондоні. 


 In March and April there are a lot of flowers in the parks. English people like roses, daffodils and tulips a lot. The rose is the symbol of England. The daffodil is the symbol of Wales.

There are many parks in London as well as in other cities and towns in England. The most famous London parks are Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and Green Park.

In Hyde Park, people like to sit on the grass or to read books on the benches under the trees. They also like to visit the beautiful rose garden there and go boating on the lake.


In St. James’s Park you can sit by the lake and watch swans, geese, ducks and other birds which live there.

Green Park is a quiet place with a lot of beautiful trees. Green Park has no lakes, no buildings and few monuments. The only flowers are daffodils.

Answer the questions about the text in Ex. 2. Письмово

1. Are there many parks in England?

2. What London parks do you know?

3. Why is spring a lovely season in England?

4. Are there many flowers in the English parks?

5. What do people like to do in Hyde Park?

6. What birds can you see on the lake in St. James’s Park?

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