вторник, 11 октября 2022 г.

9-А 9-В дистанційний урок 11 жовтня

 Тема уроку : " Наше довкілля .Проблеми довкілля "

Уважно перегляньте це відео про проблеми довкілля. Випишіть в зошити всі проблеми, які є у відео.


Read about environmental problems.

                            New words 

- deny  [dɪˈnaɪ] - заперечувати 
-facе environmental  [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl]   problems- стикатись з екологічними проблемами 
-pay attention to -приділяти увагу

                                 -urgent  [ˈɜːdʒənt] problems- нагальні\термінові проблеми

- hazardous [ˈhæz.ə.dəs] - небезпечний 
- atmospheric [ˌæt.məsˈfer.ɪk] emissions -викиди в атмосферу 
- release of- випускати в 
-such consequences  [ˈkɒn.sɪ.kwəns] as- такі наслідки як..
-the natural reservoirs [ˈrez.ə.vwɑːr]- природні водойми
-lose their habitat- втрачати середовище проживання 
-serene  [səˈriːn] existence [ɪɡˈzɪstəns]-безтурботне існування 
-preserving biodiversity  [ˌbaɪ.əʊ.daɪˈvɜː.sɪ.ti] - збереження біорізноманіття 
-be prevented-запобігати
-deplete  [dɪˈpliːt]-виснажувати
- scarcity of water-дефіцит води 
- the extinction  [ɪkˈstɪŋk.ʃən] of animals and plants- вимирання тварин і рослин 

                              Environmental Problems 

Our environment is constantly changing. This is the fact we cannot deny. Today humanity is facing numerous environmental problems. If we do not pay attention to these problems right now, we  may face even bigger natural disasters in the  future.

Air pollution is one of the most urgent environmental problems. Hazardous atmospheric emissions have increased with the development of industry and transport.


Air in big cities is a lot more polluted than air in the countryside. In 1997 many countries signed the Kyoto Protocol in an effort to fight air pollution.

Global warming is the result of human activity. The industrial development causes the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere.


That means that air on our planet is getting hotter. This results in such consequences as raising of water level in the World ocean and changes in agricultural productivity.


Water pollution is another serious problem. Plants and factories release harmful substances not only into the air but into the natural reservoirs, too.


As a result of that, animals and plants lose their habitat, and people suffer from the shortage of high-quality drinking water.

Lately, animal world and plant kingdom of our planet have been at serious risk as human activity endangers their serene existence.


Ecosystems play an important role and preserving biodiversity is vital for our planet. Extermination of animals and carelessness towards plants must be prevented.

It is well known that our planet is overpopulated. This depletes natural resources.


Some countries already suffer from scarcity of water, food and fuel. Our mission is to act towards natural resources with care and use them efficiently.

Today forests cover about 30% of land. Every year this figure decreases more and more.


People clear new territories for residential buildings, new plants and factories. We must realize that deforestation causes the extinction of animals and plants.

Домашнє завдання 

Answer the questions ( письмово) 
1. What environmental problems is humanity facing today?
2.What is one of the most urgent  environmental problems?
3. Why have the hazardous atmospheric emissions increased?
4. What problem is caused by the industrial development?
5. Why is the water level in the World ocean raising?
6.What is the result of water pollution?
7. Does overpopulating deplet natural resources?
8. What do some countries suffer from?
9. What does the deforestation cause ?
10. What problems do you consider the most important? 

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