четверг, 29 сентября 2022 г.

10-А дистанційний урок 29 вересня

 Тема "People and relationship"

Hello everyone! 

Today we are going to revise the vocabulary and grammar on the topic People and Relationships. We'll improve your reading skills and listening and speaking competence.

Let's start our lesson from the Quiz- choose the correct item.

1.    What is the strongest factor that influences our personality?

a)    the date of birth;  b) mood;  c) the position in the family;  d) bringing up.

2.    Who gets maximum attention in the family?

a)    the oldest children;  b) mother;  c) father;  d) pets.

3.    How are the oldest children characterized?

a)    irresponsible;  ) lazy;  c) happy;  d) responsible, bossy, sometimes aggressive.

4.    What are the middle children?

a)    disobedient;  b) independent and competitive;  c) funny;  d) responsible.

5.    What children are sociable and like being with people, often jealous of their brothers and sisters and can be moody?

a)    the only child; c) the middle children;

b)    the oldest children; d) the youngest children.

6.    If a child is the youngest in the family, he or she is…..

a)    very charming, affectionate and quite relaxed;

b)    bossy;  c) moody;  d) selfish.

7.    The only children in the family are…..

a)    sleepy;  b) hard working; c) organized;  d) often spoilt.

8.    What people like giving orders?

a)    charming;  b) disobedient;  c) sensitive;  d) bossy.

9.    Competitive people always …..

a)    want to win;  c) get angry and like fighting;

b)    are people you can trust;  d) want to be successful in life.

10. Do gossipy children have a lot of friends?

a)    Yes, they do.  b) No, they do not.  c) Sometimes.

11. Why do some children have so many friends?

a)    They are selfish.  c) They are jealous.

b)    They are envious.  d) They are reliable.

12. A close friend is someone who…..

a)    is selfish;  b) you are confident in;  c) get angry luckily;  d) like giving orders.


Listen to the text and find out the positions are mentioned in it. 

Then listen to the speaker again and write down the adjectives he uese to describe each person. 

Reading and writting.

Read the article about two sisters . Write out short characteristics of both sisters. 



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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG