воскресенье, 17 апреля 2022 г.

9-В Домашнє завдання 15.04.2022

 Watch a video and answer the questions

1. How many people in Britain read newspapers every day?

2. What are the main tabloids in Britain?

3. What kind of information can  the British people get to know from tabloids?

4. What is the Daily telegraph?

5. What quality papers do people in Britain buy?

6. How many magazines are there in Britain?

7. What is the  BBC?  Is the BBC commercial?

8. How many TV chnnels and radio stations are there in Britain?

9. What the British people have to buy to watch watch television?

10. How much time do children in Britain spend watching television?

11. what are their favourite programmes?

12. What kind of video do they usually watcn?


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