понедельник, 4 апреля 2022 г.

6-Г 05.04.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема" Kyiv and its landmarks"

Hello everyone!

Today you are going to make an excursion aroun Kyiv.

Watch a video and complete the sentences about places of interest in Kyiv.


Complete the sentences .

1. St.Sophia Cathedral was built in...

2. People can not take photos ...

3. We can see.... in the zoo.

4. ... is  the architect of the Gothic Church.

5. We can see... and ... in the Aviation Miseum.

6. ... is the oldest district in Kyiv.

7. In the Singing Field ( Spivoche Pole) we can see...

Рекомендоване домашнє завдання 

Подивіться відео про Київ і дайте письмові  відповіді на запитання.


Answer the questions. 

1. What is Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra?
2. What can you see in Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra?
3. What is there in Khreshchatyk Street?
4. What was the Golden Gate in the time of Kyivan Rus?
5. What can you see in Landscape Alley?
6. What can you buy in Andrew's Descent (Uzviz)?
7. What can you buy in the Alley of Artists?
8. What can you do in Poshtova Square?
9. What unusual kind of transport can you see in Kyiv?
10. Where are musical fountains situated in Kyiv?

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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG