понедельник, 28 марта 2022 г.

8-В 29.03.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема" Seven wonders of Ukraine"  https://meet.google.com/bon-skmq-nos

Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about our Motherland and its wonderful places of interest.

Watch a video about Seven wonders of Ukraine


Read the sentences and decide True\False 

Read and guess one of the seven wonders of Ukraine

1. This is the biggest island on the Dnipro River.

2. A famous fortress in the Smotrych Canyon.

3. There are the fabulous collections of trees, bushes and herbs.

4. The first fort which was build under Prince Volodymyr.

5. There is a good collection of ancient monuments, cloth, jewellery and ancient icons.

6. This is the ancient Greek town-state.

7. One of the main cathedrals in Central Europe.

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Test “7 wonders of Ukraine”     

Запитання 1

...... was founded by the monks Antoniy and Feodosiy.

варіанти відповідей


a)      St. Sophia's Cathedral     b) Khortytsia Island  c) Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra   d) Kamyanets-Podilskiy


Запитання 2

In the eleventh-eighteenth centuries it was one of the main cathedrals in Europe.

варіанти відповідей


a)St. Sophia's Cathedral     b) Khortytsia Island  c) Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra   d) Kamyanets-Podilskiy



Запитання 3

Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra played a great role in the development of culture in Kyiv Rus.

варіанти відповідей


a)True        b) False

Запитання 4


The ancient Greek town ....

варіанти відповідей


a)      Kyiv     b) Sevastopol    c)  Chersonesus     d) Khortytsia


Запитання 5

Khortytsia Island is covered with rivers and lakes.

варіанти відповідей


a)      True    b) False


Запитання 6

Khortytsia Island is connected with the history of Zaporizhzhian Cossacks.

варіанти відповідей


a)      True     b) False


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