Тема "In the park"
https://youtu.be/1WZm0LqLE1w Посилання на відео
Дайте усні відповіді на запитання
1. Are there many parks in Khmelnytskyi?
2. What park is your favourite?
3. Do you often walk in this park?
4. Are there many flowers in spring and summer?
Поєднайте словосполучення з їх перекладом
1) a beautiful park a) радувати людей
2) to walk in the park b) дізнаватись про світ
3) in all the seasons с) гарний парк
4) to please people d) відпочивати
5) to learn about the world е) гуляти в парку
6) to have a rest f) в усі пори року
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Прочитайте розповідь про наш парк
We live in a beautiful city. It is very green and clean . There are a lot of parks in our city. Park of Culture and Rest is located on the right bank ( правий берег) of the Buh reservoir ( водосховище). There are a lot of trees and flowers on its territory. Children like to visit a mini zoo and feed the animals there. You can see bears, mini pigs, geese, hens, rabbits, foxes and other animals in this zoo. There is an alley of sculptures and a lot of people like to sit and rest on the benches there. You can see a lot of children on the sports and playgrounds in the park. They like to ride their bikes and play games there.
Our park is beautiful in all the seasons.
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