вторник, 2 ноября 2021 г.

8-В 03.11.2021

 Тема Школа, уроки

-Виконайте вправи на повторення письмово

впр36-а поєднайте слова з визначеннями 1- буква

впр36-б доповнiть речення словами з попереднього завдання письмово 1- слова 

Пригадайте назви урокiв 

Match up       Складiть    i    запишiть речення в зошити   

1. I like  History very much, because…

2. I think PE is very useful, because…

3. Chemistry is very interesting, because…

4. I think Maths is very difficult, because…

5. Biology is boring, because…

a)     we have а lot of  tests. I hate tests.

b)    we discover (дізнаватися) new things.

c)     we do different physical exercises and play games.

d)    we do experiments in the lab.

e)     we learn by heart a lot.



 ПрПрочитайте речення , виберiть вiдповiдний урок /усно

1)Pupils usually learn about the life and structure of plants and animals at the lesson of Geography/ Biology.


2) Pupils usually learn about the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids at the lesson of Chemistry /Geometry.



3) Pupils usually draw and paint pictures at the lesson of Art /Music.


4) Pupils usually learn about the past events concerned in the development of a particular place, subject at the lesson of Physics/History.



5) Pupils usually learn about forces such as heat, light, sound, of relationships between them, and how they affect objects at the lesson of Physics /Maths.


6) Pupils usually learn about numbers and shapes at the lesson of Chemistry/ Maths.



7) Pupils usually jump, run and do sport at the lesson of Physical Training /English.


8) Pupils usually learn about the Earth's surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc. at the lesson of Geography/History.



9)Pupils usually learn about structure of substances, how they react when combined or in contact with one another, and how they behave under different conditions at the lesson of Chemistry /Geography.

Опрацюйте нову лексику , знайтть в текстi впр 3 с45 новi слова

-вивчити слова 
впр3 с45 поставте частини тексту в правилньiй послiдовностi , прочитайте i перекладiть текст 
впр 5 с 45 письмово 

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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG