четверг, 27 мая 2021 г.

8-В 28 травня


Hello everyone!!! 
Have you ever watched a cartoon Minions?
Let's read a short story about these yellow friends. 

Insert missing words      Прочитайте розповідь , вставте необхідні за змістом слова

Minions  (1)__ small, yellow creatures who have existed since the beginning of time. They roll a Tyrannosaurus into a (2)____, crush Pharaoh (3)____ a pyramid. Minions start a new (4)___ in a massive cave. After many years, they become depressed without a master to serve. Kevin decides to find a (5)___ master and asks for help. Stuart and (6)___ want to help him. The trio journey to New York, when the year is 1968. They meet Scarlet Overkill, who unexpectedly hires them and takes them to her home in (7)_____. They phone the rest of the Minions to get them to join. Scarlet explains the plan to steal the Imperial State Crown from the Queen of England. Bob accidentally crashes into the Sword in the Stone and pulles it free, removes the Queen from the (8)____ and becomes (9)____ Bob.Scarlet and Herb attempt to escape with her rocket-dress, but (10)____ holds it. Queen Elizabeth II gets her throne and (11)____ back and rewards Bob with a tiny crown for his teddy bear, Stuart with an electric (12)_____ and Kevin with a knighthood.


Use words:


A) life            B) Bob         C) volcano             D)are                       

E) throne       F) King        G) under               H) Kevin       

I) crown        J) guitar       K) new                 L) England


True or False Визначте правда чи ні

1.       Minions are small, green creatures who have existed since the beginning of time. (_______)

2.       After many years, the Minions become depressed, restless, and unmotivated without a master to serve. (_______)

3.       Stuart likes music. (_______)

4.       Bob has two eyes. (_______)

5.       The trio journey to New York, when the year is 1968. (_____)

6.       Scarlet Overkill is the queen of England. (______)

Answer the questions    Усно дайте відповіді на запитання

7.       Who is Kevin?


8.       Why do you like Bob?


9.       What is the most interesting moment in the story?





Послухайте пісеньку і поспіівайте разом з Міньонами

Listen to the song and insert missing words


Imagine me and ____, I do
I think about you day and night, it's
____ right
To think about the
____ you love and hold her tight
______ together


If I should call you ___, invest a dime
And you say you belong to me and ease
___ mind
Imagine how the world could be, so
_____ fine
___ happy together


I can't see me lovin' nobody ____ you
For all my
When you're with me, baby the skies'll be
For all
____ life


Me and you ____ you and me
No matter how they toss the dice, it had to
The only
____ for me is you, and you for me
So happy




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