Тема Different countries .Повторення.
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1. Пригадайте ще раз ,як вживаються займенники someone, anyone, no one, everyone, nothing, anything, nobody, something.
2. Fill in the gaps with indefinite pronouns: someone, anyone, no one, everyone, nothing, anything, nobody, something.- Заповніть пропуск в реченні відповідним займенником. Запишіть номер речення і відповідний займенник.
1. There is _________ in the clothes basket ( ящик для білизни). It is empty.
2. I've tried phoning but every time I tried there was __________ in.
3. I have prepared ____________ for dinner which you will like very much.
4. Would you like ____________ to start with before the main menu?
5. He sat at the table but didn't have_____________ to eat.
6. You can do __________ . I don't really care.
7. I met _____________ you know last night. She told me she had missed you very much.
8. That's a very easy job. _______________ can do it.
9. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell ____________ burning.
10. ___________ offered (запропонував) any help. They probably didn't have time.
11. ___________ arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3:30.
12. When the show finished there was complete silence. _________ clapped.
3. Прочитайте текст і виконайте завдання до тексту 1- true\false 2- повні відповіді на питання (домашнє завдання)
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