понедельник, 12 апреля 2021 г.


 Тема Свята.Halloween

Посилання на урок https://meet.google.com/frx-pdcm-rfv

1.Слова до тексту

a witch     -відьма

a broomstick- мітла

a Halloween lantern- ліхтар

to put a light insidе- поставити свічку всередину

a fancy dress party-костюмована вечірка

he doesn't mind-він не проти

a ghost- привид

a bowl -миска

"Trick or Treat"-"Частування чи шкода"

                                             Watch a video Дивіться відео і повтор юйте нові слова

                  2. Прочитайте і перекладть текст 


   I love Halloween. It's on October, 31 and on this night witches fly through the air on their broomsticks. We always have a party.

   My little brother, Michael, likes making a Halloween lantern at school. He makes a funny face in a big round pump­kin. It has two eyes, a nose and a big mouth. When it is dark, we put a light inside the pumpkin.

   I love fancy dress parties and we al­ways wear fancy dress at our Halloween party. I love wearing my witch's costume. I wear my mother's long black dress and a tall pointed hat. I've got a broomstick too, but I can't fly!      Michael doesn't like wearing fancy dress but he doesn't mind being a ghost. He wears a big white sheet

and he runs around the house and shouts, "Ooooooh!"

   The party starts at seven o'clock. My friends all come wearing fancy dress. This year we've got five witches, three ghosts and one vampire! We play Halloween games, like "bobbing apples". You try to eat the apples which are in a big bowl of water, and you can't touch them with your hands. It's very difficult! And of course we have lots of sausages and crisps to eat.

   My American pen friend and her friends play a game called "Trick or Treat" at Halloween. They go to people's houses and say, "Trick or treat?" The people don't want a trick, so they give sweets to the children. I like that idea!

                                                                                           Ann, London, UK.

                                                                                                                                                                                        3.Answer the questions

1.When do children celebrate Halloween? 

2.Do children always have a party?

3.What is a Halloween lantern?

4. What do children wear at the Halloween party?

5.How do children celebrate Halloween?

   4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box

Доповніть речення словами з рамочки і запишіть 


a pumpkin                                "Trick or Treat"                      a broomstick

an apple                                   a ghost                                     Halloween


1)  A British festival on the31st of October is______________________________

2)  The thing witches fly on is ________________________________________

3) A big orange vegetable which is made into a funny lantern is _________

4) A white figure that says, "Ooooooh!" is _____________________________

5)  A small red or green fruit which is in a big bowl of water is _______________________

6)  An American Halloween game where children get sweets is ________

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