понедельник, 29 марта 2021 г.

11-А , 11-Б 29.03.21

 Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you again!

Today we are going to talk about how to solve the problems that may worry teenagers. We also have to learn how to write essays suggesting solutions to the problem

Open your books at page 215, exercise 1. Look through the list of problems that may worry teenagers. Write down them in order of importance into your copybooks. You can add your own items.

Do the " Words for you" box, page 215. Match them to the Ukrainian equivalents

Exercise 2 page 215-216- read about certain dangers and hardships that may occur in young people's lives and answer the questions on page 216

Page 217 " Writing point" - read what an essay discussing problems and providing solutions is.

 Watch two videos and answer the questions:

1) What is an Essay Suggesting Solutions to problems? 2) What are the features of such an essay? 3) What are the parts of an essay? 4) What does introduction\ body\ conclusion include? 

Exercise 1 page 217- read the situation, problems, solutions and results


Напишіть есе, в якому запропонуйте способи вирішення проблеми на одну з тем. Дотримуйтесь формального стилю написання , використайте необхідні слова та вирази

Exercise 4 page 218. Write an essay suggesting solutions to the problem on one of the topics givivg in exercise 3 page 218. Use a formal style and appropriate transitional words\ phrases

Завдання викоуємо в зошитах , перевірю після закінчення дистанційного навчання

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  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG