пятница, 29 апреля 2022 г.

3-А 3-Б 29.04.2022

 Тема " Food. Do you like it?"  https://meet.google.com/hmh-iihm-mqg

Hello children!

 Today we will talk about food you like and don't like. 

Watch a video and repeat the names of fruits and vegetables. 


Make up sentences     Складіть речення використовуючи наступні граматичні структури

     I like ...                                           I don't like .... 

 My friend likes....                                My friend doesn't like..... 

Open your books on p. 128 

Read ex 1 

Listen and point what does Olenka's mother like Ex 2 p 128

Тепер давайте перевіримо , які страви подобаються мамі Оленки. Прочитайте речення Ex 3 p 129  і скажіть Yes\No 

Домашнє завдання 

Зошити с 87 впр 1 прочитайте питання  і відповіді, позначте відповідний малюнок 

Впр 2 с 87 Складіть і запишіть речення за допомогою смайликів визначте like\don't like 

Впр 3 с 87-88 Розділіть слова в питаннях і запишіть 

5-Д 29.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема " Holidays. Повторення"   https://meet.google.com/omx-zdhm-atk

Hello children!

Сьогодні у нас урок повторення по темі. 

Look at the pictures and name the holiday. Then match the holidays with the greetings. 

Read the words and name the odd word. Explain why .

Match the parts of the sentences. Поєднайте частини речень.

Read the definitions and match the holiday with the defenitions.

Домашнє завдання 
Прочитайте речення та виберіть слово , щоб доповнити речення. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.  В зошиті записуєте номер 1- буква і потім переклад речення .

четверг, 28 апреля 2022 г.

среда, 27 апреля 2022 г.

6-Г 28.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема "School life. Geography lessons."     https://meet.google.com/kki-hkpz-pqk

Hello everyone!

Today we will talk about geography lessons in your school. 

 Find the odd word and circle it out. Explain your choice. ( Знайдіть зайве слово і поясніть чому ) УСНО

1.     Biology, Maths, a teacher, Music, Art
2.     A sketch-book, pencils, an eraser, a table, paints
3.     Rules, a dictation, a classroom, a composition, exercises
4.     A vocabulary, a topic, a text, a school-bag, dialogues
5.     A valley, mountains, a map, a blackboard, climate 

E           Ex 1 p 171 Поєднайте слова з їх визначеннями 

Прочитайте і доповніть речення словами з рамки 
Домашнє завдання 
Прочитайте розповіді дітей про уроки географії с 172 впр3 
Виконайте впр 4 с 172 прочитайте речення і напишіть хто про це розповідав Аня\ Ден чи такого не було 

Розклад урків англійської мови на 28.04.2022

 5-Д асинхронно Blog

6-Г синхронно Google Meet 

8-А синхронно Google Meet 

3-Б синхронно Google Meet 

5-В синхронно Google Meet 

5-Д 28.04.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема "Holidays in Britain. Easter."

Продовжуємо говорити про свята в Британії і сьогодні говоримо про Паску.

Подивіться відео і повторіть слова та вирази , які ми використовуємо для того щоб розповісти про це свято.


Подивіться цікаве відео про традиції святкування Easter  в Британії і виконайте завдання після відео  


 Завдання до відео ( виконуємо тестово 1 - буква) 

Choose the correct item 

1) Easter is ...

a) always in winter    b) always in summer     c) always in spring

2) Easter is always celebrated on ....

a) Saturday     b) Sunday     c) Monday

3) Easter Bunny brings ...

a) Chocolate eggs       b) Easter  eggs     c) sweets

4) What do children do on Sunday morning?

a) look for the egggs      b) hide eggs    c) cook eggs

5) Where do children put the eggs?

a) Easter baskets     b) Easter bonnets     c) Easter pockets

6) What do eggs mean?

a) New life    b) Tasty dish    c) Winter

7) Some Britain schools organize ...

a) Egg tree parade        b) egg painting parade     c) Easter bonnets parade

8) What are Easter bonnets?

a) Easter food     b) Easter hats    c) Easter eggs

9) When does the Queen give money to the poor people ?

a) on Good Friday     b) on Maundy Thursday    c) on Easter Sunday 

10) When  do people eat Hot Cross Buns?

a) on Good Friday    b) on Easter  Sunday     c) on Maundy Thursday

11) What is on the top of Hot Cross Buns?

a) a chiken    b) a cross   c) a bunny

12) What do people roll  from hill?

a) Easter Bunny     b) eggs    c) balls 

Обов'язково відправляйте на перевірку виконане завдання

3-А 27.04.2022 Синхронний урок 3-Б 28.04.2022


Hello children!

Ми продовжуємо вивчати тему Food  і сьогодні повторимо назви фруктів і овочів.

Подивіться в холодильник і дайте відповіді на питання 

Тепер відкрийте свої робочі зошити на с .85 і виконайте впр 3 

Подивіться відео і пригадайте назви фруктів англійською мовою.


What's your favourite fruit?

I like bananas.

Тепер пригадаємо назви овочів.


What vegetables do you like?

I like carrot.

Виконуємо впр 3 с 86 в робочих зошитах. Подивіться в корзину , складіть питання за зразком і дайте відповідь.

                                      Домашнє завдання 

Вивчити назви фруктів та овочів з відео.

Зошит с 86 впр1 Знайдіть та обведіть назви овочів та фруктів , які є на малюнку. 

Впр2 с 86   запишіть слова з впр1 в два стовпчика 

9-В 29.04.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема " Is Television useful or harmful for kids?"

Today you are going to have the lesson of reading. 

1. Read the words with their translation and remember them.

2. Read  and translate the text.

So much television programming is aimed at young children. Much of it appears to be educational: teaching about the world and developing life skills. But there is a question to discuss: is television useful or harmful for kids?

A great deal of research has been done on the effects of television on children’s lives. Nearly all of us have one or more TV sets in our home, and since most of us watch some TV nearly every day, we may not want to hear what research tells us, but these are the things we need to know.

Experts suspect that babies younger than two years old view TV as a confusing array of colours, images, and noises. They don’t understand much of the content.

Cartoons and many children’s shows are filled with images of violence. Many children’s shows are animated versions of adult action films. Research shows that watching this type of programming increases the risk of aggressive behaviour and desensitizes children and teenagers to violence.

Television watching can be addictive sometimes. The more children watch, the more they want to watch. They can become drawn to the set. Once addicted, turning off the TV can become a daily battle. Those who watch TV very often become passive and lose their natural creativity; they eventually have a hard time keeping themselves busy, and they lose valuable time that should be dedicated to «play» the foundation of a healthy childhood and the primary way that very young children learn.

Many teenagers use TV more and more as a way to keep themselves entertained and happy. It takes a strong will and dedication to avoid the easy route provided by this free and easy yet sometimes dangerous friend. Time spent watching television is time taken away from more healthful activities that nurture growth and development.

Children and teenagers who watch a lot of television are at risk for poor social development, and aggressive behaviour. According to a study by Yale Family Television Research, teachers characterized children who watched excessive television as less cooperative, less imaginative, less enthusiastic about learning, and less happy than those who watched little or no TV.

You may have noticed that all of these points demonstrate the negative aspects of children watching TV, and you’re wondering if there are any positives. There are a few, but let’s be honest: we have to be very creative to come up with this list, since published research doesn’t demonstrate many good points for putting a young child in front of a television. But we need to be realistic and acknowledge that most of us aren’t going to put our TVs in the closet or get rid of them at all.

3. Match the words and phrases (1-8) with their definitions (a-H).

4. Choose the correct words from Ex 3 to complete the sentences.  Записуємо номер речення і слово 

1. So much television programming.. at young children.

2. Experts …. that babies younger than two years old view TV as a confusing …. of colours, images, and noises.

3. Cartoons and many children’s shows are filled with images of …. .

4. We’ve been asked …. some new ideas.

5. Television watching can be…..

6. Children who watch a lot of television during their early years are at risk or poor social development, and aggressive …. .

7. But we need to be realistic and …. that most of us aren’t going to put our TVs in the closet or …. them at all.

8. A child can learn basic social skills from watching …. program ming: how to get on well with others how to use good manners or how to be a good citizen.

5. Answer the questions ( Письмово) 

1. What kind of research has been done recently?

2. What do experts suspect?

3. Do babies understand much of the content while watching TV?

4. Why does watching TV increase the risk of aggressive behaviour in the teenagers?

5. What are the bad aspects of watching TV? What problems do they cause?

6. Are there any good points in watching TV?

6. Choose the correct item to complete the sentences.

1. Much of television programming for young children appears to be …. .

a) emotional

b) educational

c) energetic

2. Experts suspect that babies younger than two years old view TV as ….. .

a) an interesting cartoon

b) a confusing array of colours, images, and noises

c) a box full of films, cartoons, pictures

3. Cartoons and many children’s shows are filled with ….. .

a) humour

b) kindness

c) violence

4. Many children’s shows almost are animated versions of …. .

a) fairy tales

b) adult action films

c) funny stories

5. Research shows that watching this type of programming increases …. .

a) the risk of heart attacks

b) the risk of aggressive behaviour

c) the viewers’ interest

6. The more television children watch, the more they ….. .

a) understand the world around

b) want to watch

c) like cartoons and films

7. Time spent watching television is time taken away from …. .

a) doing homework

b) communication with parents and friends

c) more healthful activities

8. Quality educational programming can …. .

a) broaden teenagers’ outlook and develop their academic skills

b) teach children dancing and running

c) make children addicted to watching TV

Reading and Thinking

7. Complete the statement.

The text is about …. .

a) the problems in children’s behaviour

b) good and bad aspects of watching TV

c) films and cartoons

вторник, 26 апреля 2022 г.

9-В 27.04.2022 Синхронний урок

Тема "Television in our life "


Television and Advertisement

 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1.      Computer now plays such an important role in so many people's lives that it is essential for us to try to decide whether it is bad or good.

2.      TV is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one.

3.      For a family of 4, for example, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home than to go out.

4.      TV  informs about current events and the latest developments in science and politics.

5.      TV set broke many  families in modern world.

6.      The most important thing which is really criticizing is poor quality of the programs and its harmful effect on children.


2.Put the words from the box to complete the sentences.


source of entertainment




to decide

important role

latest developments

integral part




1.Many people have forgotten what the ______was like before TV. But today it has become an ________of our lives.

   2.TV now plays such an ________in so many people's lives that it is _______for us to      try ________whether it is bad or good.

   3. TV, people often say, _______about current events and the _________in science and politics.


   4. All they have to do is to turn on TV and they can see______, political discussions and    the latest ________football matches

  5.  TV is not only a convenient___________, but also a comparatively cheap one.


Розклад уроків англійської мови на 27.04.2022

 9-В   3-А  5-В  8-Б   синхронні уроки 

понедельник, 25 апреля 2022 г.

5-В 28.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема " Holidays and celebrations. May Day in Great Britain."


Hello children!
 Today we will speak about one more British holiday. It is May day. 

New words
put up - ставити
a maypole tree- травневе дерево 
ribbons- стрічки 
to held the ribbons - триматись за стрічки 
move around- рухатись навколо 

Прочитайте і перекладіть текст 

В підручнику Ex 1 p 172-173

Подивіться цікаве відео про те , як відзначають May Day  в Британії.


                                                 Домашнє завдання

Ще раз подивіться відео і виконайте тест. В зошитах пишемо 1- буква 


8-А 8-В 26.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема " The National symbols of Ukraine."

Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about The National symbols of Ukraine.

Watch a video and try to remember the national symbols of our country.


Read and learn the vocabulary 


National Emblem [’næʃənl ’embləm] — Державний Герб

national anthem [’ænθəm] — Державний Гімн

to incorporate [ɪn’kɔ:p(ə)reɪt] — включати до складу

invasion [ɪn’veɪʒ(ə)n] — вторгнення, навала, напад

to revive [rɪ’vaiv] — відроджувати

crest [krest] — герб (на прапорах)

trident [’traɪdənt] — тризуб(ець)

insignia [ɪn’sɪgnɪə] — емблема

mace [meɪs] — жезл

to render [’rendə] — відтворювати, зображувати

A. D. [eɪ di:] Anno Domini [’ænou’dɔmɪnaɪ] — нової ери

ambassador [æmbæsədə] — посол; посланник

to seal [si:l] — скріплювати печаткою; печатка

to stamp [stæmp] — карбувати

to represent [,reprɪ’zent] — відображати; символізувати

celestial [sɪ’lestjəl] — небесний

to endorse [ɪn’dɔ:s] — схвалювати

Read the text 

THE NATIONAL SYMBOLS - Національна символіка

The Constitution states that the national symbols of Ukraine shall be the National Flag, the National Emblem and the National Anthem.

The Ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width. The top is blue, the bottom is yellow. Blue and yellow, the colours of the sky, mountains, streams, and golden fields had symbolized Kyivan Rus’ long before the introduction of Christianity. With the acceptance of Christianity, blue and gold were incorporated into church symbolism. After the Mongol-Tatar invasion in the 1200s, the-use of blue and gold was interrupted to be revived again in church ornaments and city crests some time later. The emblem of the city of Myrhorod, for example, was a gold trident over a blue background. Another city, Pryluky, used the head of an ox in gold over a blue background as its insignia. And in Lubny the city emblem pictured a hand holding a golden mace over a blue background. The banners of the Cossacks (XVII century) were blue with gold stars, a gold cross or with pictures of saints rendered in gold.

The National Emblem is a trident. The first image of a trident appeared in the IX century A.D. When Ihor, Prince of Kyivan Rus’ from 912 to.945, sent ambassadors to sign a treaty with the Byzantine emperor, they sealed the document with a trident. As the official emblem of the Kyivan princes, the trident was stamped on coins and seals; it was depicted on porcelain and in frescos. It is thought that the trident represented -the division of the world into three spheres: the earthly, the celestial and the spiritual — as well as the union of the three natural elements: air, water and earth. The trident was endorsed as the National Emblem of Ukraine, and the blue and yellow flag — as the National Flag of Ukraine — by the Verkhovna Rada in 1992.

The lyrics to the anthem of Ukraine were written by Pavlo Chubynsky — a scientist and poet — in 1862. The music was composed by M. Verbytsky.

Answer the QUESTIONS

1. What are the national symbols of Ukraine?

2. Describe the National Flag.

3. Where were the blue and golden colours incorporated?

4. What emblems of the cities do you know?

5. What is the National Emblem?

6. Why was trident chosen to be the emblem?

7. When were the Emblem and the Flag of Ukraine endorsed?

8. Who wrote the lyrics and music to the Anthem of Ukraine?

Домашнє завдання 

Доповніть речення і запишіть в зошити

The national symbols of Ukraine are.... 

The Ukrainian flag consists of ...

The top of the flag is.... and the bottom is...

These colours symbolize ....

The trident is...

The three points of the trident symbolize ....

The Ukrainian Anthem was written by.... and  was composed by... 

9-В 26.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема " The Media "addicted " generation"

Hello everyone!

Do you like watching TV?

How often do you watcn TV?

Can you imagine your life without TV? 

Today we will talk about TV addiction.

Read and remember the following word combinations

to be supposed to - має бути 

to have an effect on the brain - впливати на мозок 

to  be familiar- бути знайомим

to be similar -бути схожим 

to spend time motionlessly- проводити час нерухомо 

obesity- ожиріння

                                      Read the text and then do some tasks. 

                       Знайдіть докази наступних тверджень  в тексті і доведіть їх.

                                          Поєднайте слова з їх еквівалентами 

                                            Дайте відповіді на запитання 

                                                         Домашнє завдання 
                              Поєднайте опис програми з програмою 1- а

                   Прочитайте текст і доповніть текст частинами речень 1-7 

6-Г 26.04.2022 Асинхронний урок

 Тема School life. Geoggraphy lesson."

Today we are going to speak about your Geography lessons.

-When have you got your Geography lesson?-  We have got .....

-What do you usually do in Geography lessons?

1) Watch a video and repeat the words. 


 2) Для того щоб розповідати про урок географії потрібно знати наступні слова.
Впр 1 ст 167 в підручнику ( самостійно прочитайте слова, подивіться на малюнки і поєднайте малюнок зі словом- усно)

a forest-ліс
a mountain- гора
an island- острів
a valleу- долина
a hill- пагорб
a river- річка
the sea- море
a volcano- вулкан
farmland-фермерське угіддя
a landmark- визначне історичне місце

3) Look at the pictures Ex 1 p 167 , read and match the pictures with the geographical names in the box.  Подивіться , прочитайте і поєднайте малюнки зі словами з рамочки. 

4)  Виконайте  впр 2ст 168 ( подивіться на малюнок , знайдіть на малюнку об'єкти, назви яких є у рамочці )

Прочитайте речення , оберіть правильне слово і запишіть речення в зошити. 

Домашнє завдання :

Подивіться відео і пригадайте назви континентів англійською мовою.


                             Виконайте тест на ст 169 впр 3 (письмово, 1- буква)

пятница, 22 апреля 2022 г.

5-В 22.04.2022 Синхронний урок

 Тема "Holidays in Britain. Halloween"    https://meet.google.com/vfq-kzkx-cso

Hello everyone!

Today we will speak about public  hollidays and festivals in Great  Britain. 

New words 
a lantern - ліхтар
made of a pumpkin- зроблений з гарбуза
slits- отвори 
cut out slits- вирізати отвори
a candle- свічка
a lighted candle- запалена свічка
to put inside- ставити всередину 
looks like a face- схожий на обличчя 
"jack-o'-lantern"- Джек-Ліхтар ( ліхтар зроблений з гарбуза)
to knock at the door- стукати в двері 
"Trick or treat?"- "Злий жарт або частування ?"

Watch a video about Halloween in Britain 

Answer the questions 

1)      Where is Jack from?

- London              - New York      - Oxford 

2) When do people celebrate Halloween?

- on the 21st of October    
- on the 31 st of November 
- on the 31st of October 

3) What is in the pumpkin lantern?

- a candle
- a ghost 
-  matches

4) What is Sally making for the party?

- pirate  pancakes 
- scarry pizzas
- scarry sandwiches

5) What is Jack going to be at the party?

- a ghost 
- a wizard 
- a skeleton 

6)  How many trick or treaters are at the door?
- two
- five 
- three


Прочитайте текст про Хеловін 

Домашнє завдання

 Complete the sentences  
Доповніть речення і запишіть в зошити 

1. People in Britain celebrate Halloween on ...
2. Children wear ...., .... and .... in the evening on Halloween.
3. They cut out slits for eyes, ... and ...  .
4. "Jack-o'lantern" is made of ....
5. In the evening children .... 
6. They knock at the doors and call...
7. People give them... 

Дистанційне навчання 10 клас 25 квітня

  Тема Спорт  Подивіться відеоурок і виконайте всі вправи уроку  https://youtu.be/ch7UU_QzaDI?si=Hsq9AfhDytPW2FRG